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時(shí)間:21-05-02  來(lái)源:錦工羅茨風(fēng)機(jī)原創(chuàng)




  英國(guó)GRIMM格林進(jìn)口水環(huán)式真空泵 UK GRIMM imported water ring vacuum pump
















  水 耗 量:(4-5)~(220-260)L/min



  轉(zhuǎn) 速:590-2900r/min

  功 率:0.81-185kw



  UK GRIMM imported water ring vacuum pump summary:

  imported water ring vacuum pumps and compressors are used to pump or press gas and other gases without corrosion, insoluble and non solid particles, so as to form a vacuum or pressure in a closed container to meet the requirements of the process flow. A small amount of liquid is allowed to be mixed in the gas that is inhaled or pressed.

  UK GRIMM imported water ring vacuum pump working principle:

  The impeller is eccentrically installed in the pump body, so when the impeller rotates, the water is driven by the centrifugal force and forms a rotating water ring on the inner wall of the pump body. The inner surface of the upper part of the water ring rotates along the arrow direction tangent to the hub, and the inner surface of the water ring is gradually separated from the hub during the first half process, because this forms the closure between the impeller blades and the water ring. In space, with the rotation of the impeller, the space gradually expands, the pressure of the space gas is reduced and the gas is entered into the space. In the back half process, the inner surface of the water ring is gradually close to the hub, the space between the blades gradually diminishing, the pressure of the space gas rises, and the gas between the blades is discharged when it is higher than the vent. Every time the impeller rotates one week, the space between the blades is sucked up once, and many spaces work continuously, and the pump continuously suck or pressurized the gas.

  In the process of work, doing work to produce heat, will make the working water ring heat, while a part of the water and gas are discharged together, therefore, in the working process, the pump must be continuously supplied to the pump to cool and supplement the water consumed in the pump to meet the work requirements of the pump.

  When the gas of the pump is no longer used, there is a gas water separator at the end of the pump (which can be replaced by a water tank.) the waste water and the part of the water are discharged into the gas water separator. The gas and water are separated, the gas is discharged from the exhaust pipe, and the water left behind is supplied to the pump to continue to use. With the prolongation of working time, the temperature of the working water will increase continuously. At this time, a certain cold water (tap water) should be supplied from the water separator of the gas water separator in order to reduce the temperature of the working water, so as to ensure that the pump can meet the required technical requirements and indicators.

  When used as compressor, the exhaust port of the pump is connected with a gas water separator, the gas water mixture enters the gas water separator and automatically separates. The gas is transported from the exhaust pipe to the required system and the working water is discharged automatically through the switch. When the gas is compressed, the working water is extremely hot, the water is discharged from the pump outlet and the temperature will become higher because of the water. At the bottom of the gas water separator, it is necessary to supply cold water continuously to supplement the hot water that has been released, and to cool the working water, so that the working water temperature is not too high, thus ensuring the performance of the compressor, reaching the technical index, and meeting the technical requirements.

  UK GRIMM imported water ring vacuum pump structure description:

  The imported water ring vacuum pump is composed of pump body, two end covers, impeller, shaft and other components. The intake and exhaust pipes are connected to the pump cavity by the suction hole and the exhaust hole installed on the disc of the end cover. The shaft is installed in the pump body eccentrically, and the impeller is fixed on the shaft with a flat key. The total gap between the two end surfaces of the water ring vacuum pump is adjusted by the cushion between the pump body and the disc. The clearance between the impeller and the end cap is adjusted by the SK-1.5/3/6 or the back cap (SK-12/20/30), and the above axis of the SK-42 is in interference with the impeller. The gap is determined by the front end positioning, and the SK-42/60/85/120 is no shaft. The rest of the structure is the same as that of SK-6/12/20/30. The clearance between the two end faces of the impeller and the end plate determines the size and ultimate pressure of the gas flow in the pump chamber from the intake port to the exhaust port.

  The packing of the imported water ring vacuum pump is installed in the two ends of the cover, and the sealing is not entered through the small hole in the end cover, and the cooling filler is reinforced and the sealing effect is enhanced. The replenish water needed for the impeller to form a water ring is supplied by the water supply pipe, and the water supply pipe can be connected with the gas water separator to circulate water supply.

  The SK type water ring vacuum pump adopts the mechanical seal in the form of sealing, and the mechanical seal is installed in the packing cavity, and the packing is omitted. The packing gland is replaced by a mechanical seal gland and the rest of the structure is the same.

  The bearing is fixed on the shaft by the nut of the garden.

  The imported water ring vacuum pump is equipped with a garden disk on the end cover, and there are suction, vent holes and rubber ball valves on the orchard. The effect of the rubber ball valve is that when the gas pressure between the blades of the impeller reaches the exhaust pressure, the gas is discharged before the vent, reducing the power consumed by the excessive pressure of the gas, thus reducing the power consumption.

  UK GRIMM imported water ring vacuum pump technical parameter:

  Maximum pumping capacity: 0.15-120m3/min

  Water consumption: (4-5) ~ (220-260) L/min

  import and export caliber: 25-300mm

  Limit vacuum degree: 0.091-0.098MPa

  Speed: 590-2900r/min

  Power: 0.81-185kw

  UK GRIMM imported water ring vacuum pump scope of application:

  Widely used in machinery, petroleum, chemical, pharmaceutical, food, ceramics, sugar, printing and dyeing, metallurgy and other industries. In the process of working, the compression process of the pump is carried out in an isothermal state, so it is not easy to be dangerous when flammable and explosive gas is pressed and pumped, so its application is more extensive.















  GRIMM china:

  Shanghai Bingqi Valve Co., Ltd. for GRIMM company general agent in China, is China with GRIMM proxy and sales rights, provide service and technical support, mainly for Chinese customers at the same time, will also actively participate in the training of technical personnel of butterfly learning headquarters, and continue to grasp the product principle, practical operation and Engineering Technology based on customer demand, improve the Chinese area.

  about GRIMM:

  Uk GRIMM International Co., Lid is the field of fluid control in the Asia Pacific region is one of the main production and suppliers, the company headquarters is located in Clay Forde, has an experienced R & D team, the implementation of a global unified design, unified standards, a leading position in the field of water pump. In many countries, there are production pump base, China by the Shanghai Bingqi valve, responsible for the Chinese market business and technical support center, while selling to the Chinese market.

  Uk GRIMM products have been widely used in various fields for municipal drainage, construction, petroleum, chemical, gas, food, pharmaceutical, power generation, metallurgy, mining, boiler steam system, pressure vessel, atomic energy, aerospace, rockets, and people's daily life.

  Uk GRIMM the main products are: pipeline pump, centrifugal pump, diaphragm pump, magnetic pump, vacuum pump, submersible pumps, sewage pumps, metering pumps, sanitary pump, blower and other products.

  Service system:

  GRIMM quality:

  GRIMM company pays attention to product quality and service life, all adopt the advanced manufacturing technology and production equipment, and unremittingly research and development of new products, the whole process of quality control to ensure uninterrupted, used in the production process (SPC) process control (TQM) and total quality management; strictly regulate the implementation of GRIMM has not let the quality drag day, effectively guarantee the performance of each product details.

  GRIMM major:

  Fluid control technology master core, market leading products, services and solutions that help users improve efficiency, bring critical infrastructure.

  GRIMM service:

  We work closely with the user, support a series of system using technology and file reports provide pre-sale, sale, customer service and technical support services, with your trust and support, we will be more perfect and more efficient to provide technical solutions of fluid pump.


  Uk GRIMM total agents: Shanghai Bingqi Valve Co., Ltd., WeChat Advisory:






  兩級(jí)水環(huán)式真空泵 被廣泛應(yīng)用于食品、編織化工、醫(yī)藥和冶金工業(yè)及電子領(lǐng)域的真空蒸發(fā)、真空濃縮、真空回潮、真空浸漬、真空干燥及真空冶煉等。具有真空度高、在高真空區(qū)抽速大及結(jié)構(gòu)緊湊、工作可靠、維修方便等特點(diǎn)。









  水環(huán)式真空泵和兩級(jí)水環(huán)真空泵—大氣噴射泵機(jī)組被用于抽取空氣和其它無(wú)腐蝕性、不溶于水、不含有固體顆粒的氣體以便在密閉容器中獲得較高真空。它被廣泛應(yīng)用于食品、編織化工、醫(yī)藥和冶金工業(yè)及電子領(lǐng)域的真空蒸發(fā)、真空濃縮、真空回潮、真空浸漬、真空干燥及真空冶煉等。具有真空度高、在高真空區(qū)抽速大及結(jié)構(gòu)緊湊、工作可靠、維修方便等特點(diǎn)。水環(huán)式真空泵適用于吸入壓力低于-0.08MPa的工況條件。兩級(jí)水環(huán)真空泵適用于吸入壓力低于-0.096MPa的工況條件,在配用大氣泵時(shí),極限真空度可達(dá)-750mmHg。工作真空范圍為-0.03---0.08MPa。 兩級(jí)水環(huán)式真空泵,具有真空度高、在高真空區(qū)抽速大等特點(diǎn); 結(jié)構(gòu)緊湊、維修方便; 應(yīng)用范圍廣泛,可抽除含水蒸汽、易燃、易爆、含少量灰塵的、含少量液體的各種氣體; 主要用水作為工作介質(zhì),維護(hù)費(fèi)用低; 可以在較為惡劣的環(huán)境下工作。







  Whole Course Consultant Service System

  Bach's business philosophy is to provide full consultancy service to customers, providing them with solutions from R&D design, system design, manufacturing process, logistics management and installation after-sales plan formulation and implementation. Continuously improve their R&D and production capacity, to provide customized products and solutions for customers. We always insist on achieving win-win business model with our customers through sincere value-added services.

  Free Training for Customers to Use Special Selection Software

  Mature system design engineering requires more professional input from engineers. Bach knows this well and is willing to share the leading selection software with our customers. Software humanized design makes the selection mode more intelligent and accurate, farewell to the old era of fuzzy query, greatly improve work efficiency, simplify the complexity, easy and efficient.

  Constructing a Perfect Service Network System

  And has a professional and sophisticated after-sales service team set up by the system, equipped with on-site mobile balance detection device, can carry out on-site service anytime, anywhere, to help customers analyze and solve various difficult problems.











  1、吸氣口 連接木工雕刻機(jī)吸附管道,外徑47mm

  2、除塵罩 (用戶(hù)選配):防止木屑等雜物進(jìn)入泵內(nèi);

  3、止回閥 停機(jī)時(shí),防止泵內(nèi)的水回流到真空臺(tái)面內(nèi);

  4、進(jìn)水管 向泵內(nèi)注入工作液(水),設(shè)備產(chǎn)生真空;


  6、排水口 在設(shè)備使用10天左右,排空水箱內(nèi)的工作液,更換干凈的軟化水;

  7、排氣口 在吸附過(guò)程中產(chǎn)生的氣體,通過(guò)排氣口排入大氣,排氣口不可堵塞,不可接超過(guò)兩米的管路,不可接直徑低于5cm的管路,否則極易超負(fù)荷,損壞電動(dòng)機(jī);

  8、上水位口 向水箱內(nèi)加水,直到上水位口向外淌水為止,并在每天啟動(dòng)真空泵前定時(shí)加水,保證水箱內(nèi)有充足的工作液。

  9、水箱 盛放工作液
















  2. 便利:便利是錦工產(chǎn)品的第二價(jià)值主張


  -- 產(chǎn)品覆蓋范圍寬廣,產(chǎn)品線(xiàn)齊全完備,可供選擇的產(chǎn)品類(lèi)型豐富,為客戶(hù)提供“一站式”解決方案,節(jié)約時(shí)間和精力。

  -- 為客戶(hù)提供特殊需求定制,專(zhuān)門(mén)產(chǎn)品定制,相關(guān)產(chǎn)品集成等系列服務(wù),滿(mǎn)足客戶(hù)個(gè)性化需求或有效解決具體的施工難題。

  -- 選型軟件完善,提供技術(shù)細(xì)節(jié)完整詳細(xì),配件豐富,非常貼合施工和使用實(shí)際,節(jié)省大量的溝通澄清時(shí)間。

  -- 提供敏捷的供貨期,充分滿(mǎn)足那些直到后一刻才得以決定下來(lái)的客戶(hù)。


  -- 結(jié)構(gòu)更簡(jiǎn)單、合理;

  -- 安裝使用更方便;

  -- 維修的負(fù)擔(dān)少,綜合擁有成本(TOC)低;

  -- 更為敏捷務(wù)實(shí)的方法快速解決售后服務(wù)問(wèn)題。

  Brief Introduction to Bach

  Bach, your reliable partner

  Welcome to Bach. We integrate R&D, production, matching customization and professional services to provide you with complete and high quality matching, process and control system solutions.

  The value proposition of Bach's products is reliable, convenient and novel.

  Bach's long-term adherence to R&D capability innovation, manufacturing strength building, quality system building, and customer service improvement, focusing on improving the reliability of products and services, are all reliable and necessary conditions.

  Reliability comes first of all from strong strength. In the stage of product research and development, it is checked repeatedly and verified carefully to improve reliability.

  Secondly, we must rely on the powerful agile manufacturing capability, which is based on equipment hardware and integrated by lean management.

  Third, the construction of quality assurance system and the implementation of products.

  Finally, self-management alone is not enough. A large number of third-party certification of the arduous process, so that Bach products have experienced painful transformation repeatedly, and gradually become mature and reliable.

  2. Convenience: Convenience is the second value proposition of Bach's products

  Customer convenience is an important goal of Bach. The facilities provided include:

  The products cover a wide range, complete product line and abundant product types are available, providing customers with "one-stop" solutions, saving time and energy.

  - Providing customers with special needs customization, special product customization, related product integration and other series of services to meet customer personalized needs or effectively solve specific construction problems.

  - Perfect selection software, complete and detailed technical details, rich accessories, very suitable for construction and practical use, saving a lot of communication and clarification time.

  Provide an agile delivery date to fully satisfy customers who have not been able to decide until the last minute.

  3. It is not a simple pursuit of "distinctiveness", but the pursuit of "innovation to create value for customers".

  - Simpler and more reasonable structure;

  - Easier installation and use;

  - Low maintenance burden and low TOC;

  - A more agile and pragmatic way to quickly solve the problem of after-sales service.

試論羅茨鼓風(fēng)機(jī)選型設(shè)計(jì) 大風(fēng)量羅茨鼓風(fēng)機(jī) 羅茨鼓風(fēng)機(jī)優(yōu)點(diǎn)


版權(quán)所有:Copright ? www.ecoblower.com 山東錦工有限公司 備案號(hào):魯ICP備11005584-6號(hào) 2008
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電話(huà):0531-83825699 傳真:0531-83211205 E-mail: sdroo@163.com 網(wǎng)站地圖